Friday, November 17, 2006

School board votes to dump JROTC program
Jill Tucker, Chronicle Staff Writer
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The San Francisco school board is great example of a group of people who lack common sense. Follow my logic:
I hate the Islamo-fascist terrorists and want them all to die like the murderous pigs that they are. I will say this though: they are ignorant dead-enders, brainwashed in a totalitarian society that is excluded from the rest of the world. I'm not giving them a pass, but I think this explains how these evil monsters are bread. They hate the United States military forces.

Now let's examine the San Francisco school board. They hate the United States military forces. These pukey liberal elitists can't claim ignorance, because they were raised in our free and open society that was secured by the blood of thousands of patriotic veterans before them. They live today under the protection of brave warriors who prevent tyrants from taking control of our country. What is their reason for banning the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps? Because the Uniform code of Military Justice prohibits its male members from jamming their penis' into another man's rectum, and from its female members from performing cunnilingus on each other. I know these board members don't see anything wrong with these perverse sex acts, probably because they are homosexual themselves, or have never served in the military and don't understand the camaraderie and brotherhood that such proclivities jeopardize.

Had the military failed in World War 2, these stupid, unappreciative elitists would today be speaking German or Japanese. If they tried to spout their leftist diarrhea to the tyrant occupying victors, they would be lined up against a wall and SHOT! How can they not appreciate the military and it's protection that they were born and live under? It's a strong military that makes their very existence with their warped, deviant world view possible.

I'd like to wish the San Francisco school board a big fat "FUCK YOU!" You unappreciative creeps don't deserve to live under the freedom purchased for you by the blood of generations of brave patriots. If the terrorist assholes unleash a nuke, dirty bomb, chemical weapon or biological agent in your otherwise beautiful city, who are you gunna call? A cowardly negotiator who wants to 'open a dialogue and explore options' or the United States Military with a big fuckin' can of whoop-ass? Of course the military will be there, and you ungrateful sissies will be the first in line to have your asses saved.

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